How It Works

Since 1973, California Environmental Voters has released the annual California Environmental Scorecard, grading the California Legislature and leadership (Governor, Pro-Tem, and Speaker) on their environmental and climate actions from the prior year, providing voters with an insider’s view of how well their representatives address climate issues.

How Legislators Are Scored

Legislators’ scores are determined by their pro-environmental votes, with extra credit awarded based on their environmental actions. New this year, Committee Chairs’ scores were adjusted slightly different than non-Chairs. The full breakdown of how extra credit is awarded is below.

How the Governor Is Scored

The Governor’s score is 80% based on the rate of environmental bills signed or vetoed and 20% on California’s overall score. Extra credit is awarded for major pro-environmental actions, while points are deducted for major anti-environmental actions by the Governor and his administration.

How the Assembly Speaker Is Scored

The Assembly Speaker plays a key role in prioritizing climate and passing climate bills. His score is 80% based on their voting record, 15% on the Assembly Democratic Caucus’ average score, and 5% on California’s score.

How the Senate Pro Tem Is Scored

The Senate Pro Tem plays a key role in prioritizing climate and passing climate bills. His score is 80% based on their voting record, 15% on the Senate Democratic Caucus’ average score, and 5% on California’s score.

Legislator Extra Credit

  • -1% or +1% for being a main author or principal co-author of a Scorecard bill
  • -5% for accepting oil money this election cycle
  • +2% for being a main author of the Climate Bond (SB 867)
  • -2% for being an author of an anti-environmental bill (SB 1420)

Committee Chair Extra

  • -1% for amendments weaking pro-environmental bills
  • -2% for blocking pro-environmental bills
  • -1% for passing anti environmental bills
  • +1% for blocking anti-environmental bills

Oil Money Badges

Big Oil’s campaign contributions hold political influence, so and it is critical the public knows which legislators accept this money and that our elected leaders reject it to hold Big Oil accountable for its role in the climate crisis.

In the 2024 Scorecard, every legislator who accepted money from oil companies or from major oil industry Political Action Committees (PACs) in the last six years receives an oil money badge on their page. Legislators who accepted oil money in recent election cycles (2 years for Assemblymembers, 4 years for Senators) have 5% deducted from their score.

Oil Money Free Badges

Every legislator who has refused to take oil money within the last six years will receive this Oil Money Free badge on their page to applaud them for resisting the influence of this extractive, exploitative industry power.

Other Legislator Badges

Members of the Climate Action Caucus are environmental champions fighting for bold policy change to address the climate crisis and deserve recognition for their leadership in 2024.
Members of the Polluter Caucus have refused to support — and often even actively worked against — climate policies. These legislators are responsible for delaying climate progress in 2024.
This badge represents legislators who EnviroVoters has named to the Climate Action Caucus in previous years’ Scorecards and continue to lead as climate champions.

How to Use the

Here is where you come in. Look up your legislators’ Scorecard — see how they voted and if they have an oil money badge. Then contact your representatives to tell them what you think of their score and why it matters to you that they vote for climate justice.

Don’t underestimate our collective power as constituents. When the people of California make their voices heard, our policies better reflect our state’s priorities.