Our Local Leagues
Creating a National Conservation Voter Movement
Together, our 29 sister League of Conservation Voters organizations in other states and the national League of Conservation Voters are united in creating the political will to solve the climate crisis. In our EnviroVoters’ PAC entities work, we are focused on electing strong champions who will take bold action on climate, coordinate and align policy campaigns, and build an inclusive and equitable movement.
Building Local Power with Local Leagues

When it comes to growing environmental champions, we know the journey starts at the local level.
Many of California’s top leaders grew directly from the local leagues themselves, including Anthony Rendon, former Speaker of the California Assembly; John A. Perez, former Speaker of the Assembly; Congressmember Salud Carbajal; and Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, all served on the board of their local League of Conservation Voters.
Local leagues around the state bring an environmental voice to their local races by endorsing candidates, funding campaigns, and building supporter around new leaders and youth engagement. Each local league has a distinct local presence and impact, and we are committed to expanding our reach in the Central Valley and Inland Empire areas.

Find out more about local leagues’ election endorsements on their websites or by contacting them:
Central Coast League of Conservation Voters
San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties. For more information about the Central Coast League of Conservation Voters (CCLCV), visit https://centralcoastlcv.weebly.com or please contact Ana Rosa Rizo at anarosacclcv@gmail.com.
Inland Empire League of Environmental Justice Voters
San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. For more information about the Inland Empire League of Environmental Justice Voters, visit their Facebook or please contact them at ieleagueofejvoters@gmail.com.
League of Conservation Voters of the East Bay
East San Francisco Bay Area, Alameda, and Contra Costa Counties. For more information about LCV East Bay, please see the LCVEB website at http://www.lcveastbay.org.
Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters
Los Angeles County. For more information about the Los Angeles LCV, please see the LALCV website at http://www.lalcv.org. Read the current LALCV endorsements.
League of Conservation Voters San Diego
San Diego County. For more information about LCV San Diego, please see the LCVSD website at http://www.lcvsd.org or email info@lcvsd.org.
Orange County League of Conservation Voters
Orange County. For more information about the Orange County LCV, please contact Kathleen Shanfield at kshanfield@aol.com or by phone at 714-525-5377.
San Francisco League of Conservation Voters
City and County of San Francisco. For more information about the San Francisco LCV, please see the SFLCV website at http://www.sflcv.org or email info@sflcv.org.
Santa Clara County League of Conservation Voters
Santa Clara County. For more information about the Santa Clara County LCV, please see the SCCLCV website at http://www.scclcv.org, or contact Terry Trumbull at terrytrumbull1011@gmail.com.
Valley Voters for the Environment and Health
Fresno, Tulare, & Kern Counties. For more information about the Valley Voters PAC, please visit their Facebook, or contact them by email at valleyvoterspac@gmail.com or by phone at (559) 258-0382.
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